All works were created by students of the Belarusian State Academy of Arts for the exhibition, which was never held in Minsk due to the dictatorial regime.
Music will help to immerse yourself in the emotions, thoughts and imitations that a person experiences on the path of "coma - awakening - reality".
Idyll, 2021.
Ekaterina Baltsevich.
Canvas, acrylic. 150×94cm

A beautiful picture portraying an absolute idyll. A wonderful family with two children in a furnished apartment. What more could they want? At the same time, we are faced with a closed space without windows and doors. A TV broadcasting the same thing, people whose faces remind usof typical models for advertising of the 60s. All this is more like a prop. A scene from a play where several generations are involved. An idyll built on glossy standards is just a wrapper for a sleeping mind.

Maracasism, 2020.
Сud cudoŭny.
Canvas, oil, 30×30 cm
Even the tailless amphibians on the other side of the world want to be safe, don’t they?
The fly on the lampshade, 2020.
Erzi Eva.
Canvas, oil, 70×80 cm 2020

An alarming dinner. A dinner in the absence of rights, strength, words.

Shadows of the Past, 2020.
Erzi Eva.
Canvas, oil. 120×43 cm
Shadow of injustice haunts freedom. Light pierces the darkness, yearns for justice. Darkness will inevitably turn into light.
Well, you understand everything yourself… 2020.
Сud cudoŭny.
Canvas, oil, 70×80 cm
«Through the streaks of scorch marks
we’re like sweat coming out.
And Buddhas.
And immortality.
And malice...
We are letters in History.
Only a few are words».
Robert Rozhdestvensky

Destruction of walls, 2021.
Elizaveta Bogushevskaya.
Canvas, oil. 95×90 cm

The work shows the state I am in in Belarus. It's a struggle, a desire to straighten up, to stand up, but it's a struggle behind bars. A fight in a cage that doesn't give in.  It’s about vivacity, mobility and energy, all of which are stifled by this cage.

Escape, 2020.
Canvas, acrylic. 60×80 cm

When you can't get a word out, you start painting. The whirlwind of emotions that becomes a lump in your throat: confusion, panic, misunderstanding, anger, frustration - the canvas absorbs all of this. The inner feeling has materialised and is now watching you from the outside. In that moment you stop being afraid of it because you've told what you couldn't tell before.

Wild hunt, 2021.
Vladimir Latutin.
Canvas, oil. 100×200 cm
A long time ago people drew such pictures on rocks to attract prey, they were the mages of their time and left an imprint of their history on those rocks. This work is the same imprint of what is happening today. In front of us we see a large, bright, terrified and incredibly powerful bison, surrounded by black silhouettes, as if trapped. Is this hunting for the sake of food or for the sake of fun?
The Wall, 2021.
Anna Lavrova.
Canvas, oil. 90×90 cm
Most people have faced disrespect for their voices and lack of freedom of speech. But even on the walls of Belarusian houses you can see the fight for truth. It can be painted over dozens of times, but it still will be visible through layers of paint.
Triptych. (Don't) Be Afraid, 2020.
Canvas, oil. 70×100 cm, 50×70 cm, 30×30 cm
Oppression, framework, bend the frames.
Censorship, 2021.
Anna Romanenko.
Canvas, oil. 100×80 cm 2021

There is censorship in any country. We are seen as a grey, weak-willed crowd with a "censored" standpoint, no matter how much the censors try to hide or disguise people's attitude, the truth will still come out. My work shows the impotence of censorship in the face of apparent truth.

What Grows? 2021.
Canvas, oil. 50×100 cm

Erida is the goddess of discord and chaos in ancient Greek mythology.

Breakthrough, 2021.
Photocollage. 21×29,7 cm

Belarusians are tired of forbearance, tired of tolerating disrespect and remaining silent. My work reflects the end of patience and the will for a breakthrough in the life of the country.

Students, 2021.
Ekaterina Baltsevich.
Canvas, oil. 100×88 cm

Today you are held at gunpoint.

Зламаны бiзун, 2020.
Папера, акварэль, гуаш. 42×59,4 см

Гэтая праца прысвячаецца барацьбе беларускага народа супраць дыктатуры. Белы конь з чырвонай грывай сiмвалiзуе чысцiню i храбрасць, сумленнасць i ўпартасць беларускага народа. Акрамя таго, выява каня адсылае нас да герба «Пагоня», якi з’яўляецца нацыянальным гербам Беларусi.

The View, 2020.
Daria Kulikova.
Canvas, mixed technique. 80 × 100cm
«The desire to exist and the fear of disappearing without a trace help me equally, forcing me to cry out frantically: to exhaust myself again and again in an effort to rise up and stay».

Siarhiej Vajnicki, from the essay «Voice. Face. Name»

Nina, 2020.
Daria Kulikova.
Canvas, acrylic. 24×30 cm
«What oppressed
And had weight,
Shall have
Its resting place
In the pit;
And that,
Which had weight
And endured on its own,
Will rise…»

Ales Razanau, from the poetic cycle «Stone».

 Garden of Stones, 2020.
Daria Kulikova.
Canvas, mixed technique. 40x40 cm
«In the sky —  clouds,
And on the ground — 
Ales Razanau, from the poetic cycle «Stone».

Red, 2020.
Daria Kulikova.
Canvas, oil. 90×120 cm
«...Has the world gone mad
Or is it me?
All these small things they gather round me
Gather round me
Is it all so very bad?
I can't see
All these small things they gather round me
Gather round me».

From the song  «Small things», Ben Howard.

He Who Saw Everything, 2021.
Daria Kulikova.
Paper, pen, colored pencils. 15×20,5 cm
The Great Endurer, 2021.
Daria Kulikova.
Paper, pen, colored pencils. 19,5×20,5 cm

Wolf, 2021.
Daria Kulikova.
Paper, pen, colored pencils. 21 × 21 cm
The Heraldess, 2020.
Maria Stankievič.
Linocut. 60×80 cm
The Heraldess, a flying winged young woman, carries a large red flower as a good tiding. The image was inspired by women’s protests, which it seemed would eradicate fear and surely lead us to victory, to freedom. We wanted to encourage people amidst the ongoing terror, to give them a positive and bright image. At that time, a lot was painted depicting the disturbing subjects of fear, pain and anger. However, at such moments one should not give in to despair and remember what a great common goal we have! That's how the Heraldess was created.
Do what you like, 2020.
Canvas, acrylic. 60×40 cm
What helps you see the important things in life can help you build the future.
Photo triptychs using the author's clothing items, 2020.
Helena Zub.
Photos. 21×29,7 cm
I strive to create artwork with an idea and a story using clothing items and fabrics.
Art reflects reality, 2020.
Denis, Sasha, Zhenya, Sergey.
Photos and video.
I don't want to talk specifically about our video, let everyone see their own in it. I just want to comment once again on the words of highly-respected Bondar: «Just do art». Art reflects reality, eras, sentiments, occurrences, fashion...
It's impossible to separate it from what's going on, just as it's impossible to turn a blind eye to everything happening in Belarus. Our country will never be the same again. All this left deep wounds and showed what kind of many-headed hydra has been on the throne for so many years, raising its own kind in the process. Still, one should always remember that after night comes dawn.
Thank you to all who don’t give up and fight to the end. Long Live Belarus!

A series of paintings and postcards from behind the bars.
Stasya (Anastasia Mirontseva)
On October 16th, 2020, Stasya and her sister Vika were detained for the August 10 events.
On April 1, 2021 the Savetski District Court of Minsk found the girls guilty under part 1 of article 342 of the Criminal Code (active participation in group actions that gravely disturb public order) and article 364 of the Criminal Code (violence against a police officer). Stasya was sentenced to two years in prison, Vika to two and a half years.
Before the detention Stasya was one of the best students in her final year at the Belarusian State Academy of Arts, and Vika was studying at the «Gymnasium-college of arts named after I.O. Akhremchik». After her graduation she was waiting tables in a restaurant.

All the paintings on this stand were sent by Stasya to a friend over the past year.
These were the girls' last words in court:

«High court!
As long as my heart beats,
It won't be able to accept
Neither this violence, nor the suffering
Of our homeland...
These are the words of Jakub Kolas. I fully agree with him. I want to say that on August 10th we did not want to do any harm to OMON, we just wanted to help people. I’m mainly speaking for myself.
I want to ask you, as humanly possible, to not put my sister in jail.
Mother, please forgive me!» —  Vika.

«High Court!
I plead guilty to trying to prevent OMON (special police force) from arresting people, but not to grave disturbance of public order. I did not want to hurt anyone, I only wanted to help people who as I thought were being arrested or detained without reason. It was wrong and unwise to interfere with OMON.
High court! I have realized my wrongdoing, please do not take away my freedom, let me graduate, practice my profession, contribute to society and, most importantly, be there for my mother and be with my family», — Stasya.
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